Thursday, June 30, 2011

Life In The Couldesac

1406 Ridgetree Trails Drive

The house

Side driveway
More boxes!

and Dad playing football in the front yard

Backyard- we're at the base of a small hill
Back of the house- my window
is the first one on the
second story (to the left)
Back deck and gazebo with walking
area, patio, and chiminea underneath

Clover- another Midwestern thing!

Hard to see, but the little white spot in
the middle of the picture is a seed
from the poplar trees- they're blowing
everywhere right now, and they look
like tiny cotton balls. :)
The hill behind the driveway that Ben purposefully fell down on his scooter
The St.Johns' house across the street
The St.Claire's house next door

The other neighbors across
the street and one house down

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