Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee

Tuesday, July 5th, Lindsay invited me to play ultimate frisbee with her.  5 area churches gather from 9-10:30 and play with glow sticks around their wrists as team markers.  I'm not a naturally athletic person, but I decided to go to meet some new people and to get to know Lindsay a little better.

It ended up being a lot of fun.  Early on in the first game, despite my efforts to not be thrown the frisbee, it came at me suddenly, and I miraculously caught it (a lucky catch). :)  One of the guys quickly came up beside me, so thankfully I didn't have to toss the frisbee too far, which was a relief, because being left-handed seems too add to my already horrible throwing skills when it comes to frisbees.  The guy probably knew that and wanted to save himself from having to go out into the woods to find the frisbee. :)

We took a break for pizza about halfway through, and I got to meet a few more of Lindsay's friends.

We were in the middle of a second game when it was time to go.  Besides the bugs crawling all over our legs, it was a really fun night, and in spite of myself, I had a pretty good time. :)

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